We are open and offer in-person and online sessions.
Click here to book your first session, we’re happy to help!

Getting Started

Steps toward
getting started with us


An honest question must be given an honest answer

Francis Schaeffer



Take a look around our website and learn about our philosophy and therapeutic approaches.
Then you will see if you would like to work with our professional, competent, and compassionate therapists.


Contact us

We are here to answer your questions about our services.
You do not need to know about your diagnosis, and it is totally fine that you do not have a clear idea of what you need to work on in therapy.
Our supportive staff and therapists will answer your questions and assist you to get started.
Once you are ready, click here (Pyeongtaek, Daegu) to schedule an appointment with us.


Complete paperwork online

Once your first appointment is scheduled, you will receive an email from us to complete forms on our online patient portal.
On the portal, you will read and sign a consent form with information on our practice and policies and provide brief information about your concerns and goals for therapy.
We are unable to meet unless these forms are completed, so please be sure to complete them prior to your appointment.


Meet for an intake session!

During this intake session, you will meet with your assigned therapist or our intake therapist.
The intake session is different from typical therapy sessions as we will gather information to understand you as a whole person and what brings you to therapy.
It will be also an opportunity to explore potential goals and discuss a treatment plan.


Start therapy

Your therapist will provide scientifically validated and research-based treatments to target your specific concerns.
With support from your therapist, you will gain new, deeper insights about yourself and your experiences and apply them to your daily life to see real changes.